Ten Skillful Ways to Wash Down Dresses

Source: Time:2019-07-10 20:47:49 views:

Autumn and winter are coming, and the weather is getting colder. The down jackets that once helped us through the cold winter are about to come on again in armour to withstand the cold.
Autumn and winter are coming, and the weather is getting colder. The down jackets that once helped us through the cold winter are about to come on again in armour to withstand the cold. So, how on earth should the down jacket be cleaned and maintained so as to keep its warmth while being clean as new? In fact, it is not difficult, as long as you know the correct washing and maintenance methods and choose the right washing products, you can clean down clothes as bright as new, and take them out to prepare for the cold winter.
Everyone knows that in the past two years, bright-skinned lacquer fabrics are popular in the street, but they can be washed directly. The main ingredients are chemical fibers and polyurethane fibers, which are used in many down jackets. Because the main component of down is protein, put in the dry cleaner after drying, down is easy to become brittle, fragmented, from the sewing out, that is, the so-called running hair, next time wear is not as warm as before, and stained underwear is, particularly annoying. Just pay attention to a few points when washing at home to ensure that it is clean and warm.
1. Attention should be paid to the selected detergent. Generally, the detergent is alkaline, but the feather meets alkaline denaturation. Neutral detergent should be selected as far as possible. If you don't have it at home, then you can use transparent soap and choose the kind of detergent (without active enzymes) again, but pay attention to the concentration, so as to prevent the washing from being unclear and the clothes from white spots.
2. Pay attention to the water temperature. Generally, the water temperature is about 30 degrees, which is about the same as the hand temperature. When the laundry solution is put in, stir well, and then soak the clothes for 10 to 20 minutes.
3. In dirty places, do not rub with your hands, gently brush with a soft brush (I use an old toothbrush). It can be washed several times by hand. If it is machine washed, it can be placed in the wool washing gear. It should not be like other clothes.
4. No matter what detergent you use for the last rinse, it's best to add vinegar to the basin (for home use, neutralize alkalinity) and never use it to dry.
5. The clothes should be laid flat and dried, not exposed to the sun. If the clothes are dry and still lying on the ground, they can be patted on both sides of the hand.
6. In addition, there are some tips in the washing process, such as cleaning with vinegar. After rinsing down clothes twice, add two spoonfuls of vinegar in warm water, which not only softens the clothes, but also neutralizes the remaining detergent in down clothes.


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